Use the SoreEyes service and trigger an automatic donation to Sight Savers International, the leading UK charity that brings the gift of sight to people in developing countries. At no cost to yourself, you are able to help generate badly needed funds for projects because 50% of income generated by SoreEyes.co.uk will go direct to the charity. |
Sight Savers has an objective of preventing blindness, enhancing the quality of life of all blind and partially sighted people and, where possible, restoring the gift of sight to blind people in developing countries. The charity, which in the last 50 years has helped restore sight to four million people and treated 45 million for sight threatening conditions, supports projects in 30 countries from Asia to the Caribbean. |
"80% of blindness in the world could be prevented or cured. We believe that everyone has a right to access services which maintain, restore or improve sight", says Paula Seager, spokesperson for Sight Savers. |
The charity's programmes target the poorest and most vulnerable communities with a main objective of training local people so that we leave sustainable services in place. Sight Savers' strategy of working with local people, not for them and involving them in the design and delivery of services ensures the most cost effective use of the money donors invest in the work. |
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